The Joy of Lent | Deep Dive Week 2: Fasting for Joy

Corbin Riley   -  

In this second week of Lent, we delve into how to find joy in fasting. For this Deep Dive, we’ll liken fasting to thirst. Not the physical thirst that can be quenched with water, but the deeper thirst—the longing of our souls for something more.

Fasting, often associated with Lent, is more than abstaining from food. It’s not about achieving a personal best or shedding a few pounds. Instead, fasting is a deliberate act of devotion—a way to draw closer to God.

When we fast, we intentionally create space in our lives. We leave the noise and busyness, allowing room for reflection and prayer. It’s not about self-punishment; it’s about seeking God’s presence.

Just as physical thirst drives us to seek water, our spiritual thirst drives us to seek God. Fasting reminds us that we are dependent on something greater than ourselves. It humbles us and opens our hearts to transformation.

Let’s shift our perspective on fasting. It’s not a diet plan or a competition. Instead, it’s an invitation to draw near to God—to experience His love, grace, renewal, and the utmost joy.

So this week, as you fast—whether from food or other distractions—remember that it’s not about achieving perfection. It’s about seeking God with an open heart. Let your thirst lead you deeper into His presence.

Feel free to share this Deep Dive with others as we journey through Lent together and always improve the present moment.